M-T History Page 7


It is in the process of shared group experience that the spirit of this place comes alive. The individual self -- unique, precious, intrinsically valuable -- here finds acceptance as it gropingly redefines itself. Here also continues the risky, often painful extension of personal boundaries to include others. We grow, fashioning ourselves by each decision. As new data and new experiences are processed we are enlarged, expanded.  As we accumulate new information we assimilate it. It becomes internalized, synthesized. We actualize our own full potential in this way, one step at a time. But only through other people are we confronted with the totality of ourselves.

It is only after having found who we are and who we are not and having embraced that discovery that we may begin to offer ourselves in meaningful and loving relationship with another struggling human being. As the knowledge of ourselves, broadly defined, is expanded, so also is our potential and capacity for loving.


We believe that no one school is best for all.

Our philosophy is based upon the assumption that all people of all ages are intrinsically valuable, are naturally curious and want to learn at their own pace and in their own way.

The purpose of the school will be to give each student an opportunity to integrate the various topics under investigation into new learning patterns.The student will be expected to demonstrate the assimilated information by creative involvement with the teacher, in postulating specific goals.The formulation of these goals will depend on the individual interest, ability and pace of the student.

The structure provides an approach that allows students to explore alternate means for attaining their goals.

Group Process (continued):

The Group Process as it is employed in the classrooms of M-T can thus be seen as a gateway to an infinite variety of possibilities that is YOU. Approach it with respect and honesty as you would be approached and the joy of your discovery will be indescribable.

As a member of any class there are several types of performance categories and examples of each that may prove useful to you. Read each of the following pages most carefully. Clarify meanings and question statements according to your need to understand before you act.

May we extend to you now an invitation to commit yourself to the life of the groups in which you participate in order that we might really become all that we aspire to be . . . Unum qua diversum.

(Recruitment posters created by Carl Fogliano)